The ministries at CCC aim to provide a variety of opportunities for worship, connection, and discipleship. Our hope is that you discover a ministry area that both meets your needs and challenges you to be a part of what God is doing in and through our church and community. Here is a list of our current ministry areas:



Young Adults




Health & Wellness

Serve—Like any church, CCC is an easy place to slip in and slip out of no matter how long you’ve attended. However, we believe Jesus calls to more than that. We are glad you attend but we love participation! Here are ways to get involved at CCC:

  • Church Set-Up
  • Greeting Team
  • Hosting
  • Usher Pre-school Volunteer
  • Nursery Volunteer
  • Sanctuary Clean-Up
  • Scripture Reading Information Booth
  • Church Closer
  • Youth Volunteer
  • Elementary Volunteer

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