Wednesday Group – 6:00pm

We affirm youth and young adults as being gifted, unique, and made in the image of God.  We also actively seek to create an atmosphere where young people can explore their faith through questions and discussion.

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word to us and is absolutely relevant to our lives.  We also believe that God wants to have an active relationship with each one of us.  Most importantly, we believe that God wants to transform our lives by his incredible love.  We strive to help students explore what that means, all the while making it fun and exciting!

CCC’s Youth and Young Adult Group meets every Wednesday from 6:00 to 7:30pm! This group is open to middle school, high school and college age students.

Sunday Bible Study – 10:15am

We also offer an in-depth Bible Study on Sunday Mornings at 10:15am!

Join us as we dig deeper into scripture to discover who we truly are as Christians. (Note: this class does NOT meet on the first Sunday of the month - we encourage you to join us for family worship in our sanctuary on the first Sunday!)


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