Our Mission: The Student Ministry of Community Covenant Church exists to tangibly share the Gospel teaching of Jesus Christ and walk alongside families and equip students in their faith journeys.

Students face incredible challenges today as they navigate being a teenager.  And exploring what it means to be a person of faith is not a piece of cake either!  We affirm students as being gifted, unique, and made in the image of God.  We also actively seek to create an atmosphere where students can explore their faith through questions and interacting with some incredible adult leaders.

We believe that the Bible is God’s Word to us, and is absolutely relevant to our lives.  We also believe that God wants to have an active relationship with each one of us.  Most importantly, we believe that God wants to transform our lives by his incredible love for us.  We strive to help students explore what that means, all the while making it fun and exciting!

Sunday evening is our weekly youth group! Sunday evening is for middle school and high school students. Check out the details below!

Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/cccyouth.elcajon

And check us out on Instagram! @communitycovenantyouth

Middle School – High School

Sunday Worship: 10-11am | IN PERSON!

CCC is currently meeting in person on Sunday mornings! We have indoor and outdoor options available. Masks are currently required for anyone non-vaccinated and strongly recommended for everyone who is vaccinated. If you feel safe attending a service in person, we invite you to worship with us! For those worshiping at home, we a live streaming option available. (Please check the home page for more information). If you have any questions about the guidelines regarding Sunday worship, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Dean or another CCC staff member: https://communitycovenantchurch.org/staff/

Youth Group: Sundays | 6-7:30pm

The CCC Youth Group is currently meeting on Sunday nights! Our meetings are structured with a game, snack or dessert (like chips or cookies), and a lesson each night.

Current COVID-19 safety precautions: 

Our precautions at Youth Group reflect the broader policy at Community Covenant Church. This means that masks outside are optional for all. In indoor spaces, masks are required for anyone unvaccinated and masks are recommended for all those who are vaccinated. During youth group, we also make sure to have the windows and doors remain open for air flow. We also have hand sanitizer and extra masks available as needed. In the event your student is feeling sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.), or was recently exposed to someone known to have COVID-19, we respectfully ask for them to stay home.

Upcoming Events

1. Unite West Brunch Auction | May 15th | 12:00pm

Come out for a great afternoon of food, fellowship, and bidding wars. This will be a ticketed event ($20) at CCC, taking place immediately after Sunday morning worship. All proceeds go towards the general Unite West fund. (See below for details about the Unite West conference). If you have donations for auction items, please contact Dean!

If you will be attending with us, please register at the link below, or register in person at CCC: Register Here!

2. Global 6K for Water | May 21, 10am | Liberty Station

Join us for an important event to raise money for those around the world who are in need of access to clean water! This is also a great opportunity to invite friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. to participate! We will be meeting at Liberty Station Park at 10am at the corner of Chauncey Rd and Cushing Rd. If you are interested, please be sure to REGISTER by May 10th so you can receive your race kit (including t-shirt) in time!

Adult: $50

Youth: $25


Go to https://global6k.worldvision.org

  • Select “Sign up for 2022” and select “Adult”
  • Select “Join a team” next to “Role”
  • Search for “Community Covenant Church of El Cajon”
  • Complete your profile & make additional registrations (for family members or others) as needed
  • Email our team leader Clay for any questions – clayrufus@gmail.com

See you at the starting line!!

3. Unite West | July 18-23, 2022 | Biola University Please mark your calendars for this incredible event coming next summer! Unite West is an event put on by several church conferences (Pacific Southwest, Pacific Northwest, & Alaska) in partnership with the organization Christ In Youth to gather together high school students for a life-changing week of worship, connection, and fun. It will take place on the Biola University campus in Los Angeles. Any questions? Contact Pastor Dean! – pastor.dean.ccc@gmail.com


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