
We are excited to teach and live out our love for Jesus with your children. Our goal is to help your children understand how much God loves them emphasizing the power of scripture in their lives. The curriculum is age-appropriate and hands-on providing fun activities using Bible stories, games, skits, and crafts.

Our teachers and assistants look forward to being with your children and telling them each week how much they matter to God right now no matter how old they are!


Having a safe and secure environment for our students is of utmost important.  Each Sunday, every child should be checked in with the volunteer at the GROW Kids Check-In Station.  Babies, Toddlers, and Preschools can be taken to their classrooms right after that.  K-5th grade students will then proceed to church with their families.  (Attendance will be taken in the K-5th grade classroom after the students arrive also).  Students will receive a printed name tag to wear and parents will receive a matching pick-up tag.

When picking up your child, you will put sign them out using your pick up tag and their matching name tag.  Check out is done in each classroom.


At Community Covenant Church we want to equip your Kindergartener through 5th Grader to become committed followers of Christ. We offer a comfortable, kid-friendly environment where children have fun learning about God’s amazing love and have the opportunity to build relationships with their teachers and each other. We ultimately want to support parents as the spiritual leader of their kid’s lives.

Because we believe that children are a vital part of our church family, all students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade begin each Sunday morning with their families in church.  Students are excused to their classroom after the scripture is read.

Our K-5 students begin together for a short introduction time and then separate into two groups (K-2nd grade and 3rd- 5th grade). In their small groups, they will hear about the Bible and do activities and crafts to help with their understanding.  All the students come back together for a time of games, skits, songs, and a snack.

K-5th grade formation ends at 11:00am


Our preschool classroom for our 3 and 4 year-olds is a fun and welcoming place to be!  Each week, the children participate in a wide variety of activities, crafts, games, and songs to help them understand the Bible story and lesson they will hear.  They also have some time to play and build relationships with each other and the volunteers.

The preschool classroom is open from 10-11.


We are excited to show the love of Jesus to even the littlest members of our church family!  There is a nursery for our non-walking babies and a classroom for our toddlers (ages 1-2).  Our volunteers work hard to create a welcoming environment where our little ones are excited to come and feel loved and safe.

Both the nursery and the toddler classroom are open from 10-11.

Toddlers will hear a Bible story and have a snack each week.

Our Volunteers

In order to provide a safe environment for everyone involved in Children’s Ministry we require that all volunteers:

  • Attend CCC for at least 6 months
  • Go through our Child Abuse Prevention Training Session
  • Fill out required paperwork for background check

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