Here at CCC we value the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that repentance is a continuous work of the Holy Spirit shaping and forming us to become more like Christ in word and deed. In a recent message from Mark Tao, on behalf of the Executive Board of the Covenant Ministerium (President Liz Verhage, VP Dieula Previlon, Sec. Beth Ernest, Tres. Eric Hedberg) provided a message of challenge and a list of resources to help us in our repentance. May we receive from this prophetic challenge:

This moment, like all moments before it, ought to provoke us to ask some important and uncomfortable questions.  Do we truly live out the Gospel in its unapologetic call to anti-racism and combating Anti Blackness?  Is this reflected in what we regularly preach and pray in our pulpits?  Do we consistently make daily choices out to advance and protect black futures, put ourselves under the authority of black leaders, activists, and mentors, and develop partnerships which promote black life and empowerment?
The inconvenient truth is that no measure of signing statements, saying sorry, or offering condolences will be enough to develop the deep well of discipleship necessary to be accomplices in the work of racial justice.  What is needed to join together is not only expressed, but actionable solidarity, with the long view in mind!  This solidarity beckons us to grow in awareness of our own complicity, regularly audit our own lives, and to do our own work to procure resources to strength our anti-racist commitments.

With this in mind, we wanted to encourage you with some helpful articles and resources containing tangible and practical concrete suggestions related to developing a stronger actionable solidarity: 


  • Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Reconciliation, David Swanson
  • Beyond Hashtag Activism: Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age, Mae Cannon
  • White Awake: An Honest Look at What it Means to Be White, Daniel Hill
  • How to be an antiracist, Ibram X Kendi
  • So you want to talk about Race: Ijeoma Oluo
  • White Fragility: Why it is so hard for White People to Talk about racism, Robin DeAngelo

Taking the time to intentionally read through this literature, may give you some initial ideas to put into practice in your own life and for those you serve.   Consider journeying through these with a friend or colleague who can keep you accountable towards implementing some of these measures.


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